National Association of Professional Catechetical Leaders (NAPCL)

The National Association of Professional Catechetical Leaders (NAPCL) provides professional development, tools and catechetical resources for catechists, religion teachers, young ministers, principals and DREs. Through webinars, workshops, retreats and our annual conference, we form, equip & empower catechetical leaders with the right resources and tools for 21st century catechesis.

Why a professional association for catechetical leaders?

St. John Paul II describes the important role lay associations and apostolates have within the missionary life of the Church. In his document Christifidelis Laici,- on the laity, St. John Paul I placed great emphasis on the development and formation of lay groups-apostolates as part of an ecclesiastical sign of communion, unity, and fidelity with Jesus Christ (29).

As part of our baptismal identity and duty, the role of the laity is to participate in the role of priest, prophet, and king in full communion with Jesus Christ and His Church. By nature of our baptism, we possess and inherit characteristics to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and articulate the fruit of the Gospel revealed in the Creed.

Because the Christian community represents the origin of catechesis the development of a new professional catechetical community; the National Association of Professional Catechetical Leaders (NAPCL) is being formed to provide catechetical support, resources, and professional religious education development to address the growing tide of pastoral, liturgical, catechetical, doctrinal, and ministerial challenges the Catholic catechetical communities in the United States have had to address.


The vision of the NAPCL is to serve and walk hand in hand with our fellow catechetical leaders in fidelity to the teaching office of the Catholic Church-Magisterium and serve as an active and organic resource in faithful service to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Acute to this vision is to strengthen the role of the professional catechists and catechetical leaders through various professional training opportunities, regional gatherings, national conferences, and weekly and monthly ministerial support through various media platforms. The Director for Catechesis reminds that as an educator, the Catechist has the function of meditating membership in the community and living out catechetical service with an attitude of communion (150).

The professional mandate of the (NAPCL) is to provide pastoral services in the areas of evangelization, catechesis, and pastoral leadership for Diocesan and parish staffs, parish communities, and apostolates in fidelity to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

In conclusion, we are called to communion with Jesus Christ through an active proclamation of the kerygma and clear and cogent teaching of the Creed. St. John Paul II reminds us that the entire mission of the Church is concentrated and manifested in evangelization. Through evangelization the Church is built up into a community of faith (Chrisifidelis Laici, 33). This last point represents the heart of the ministerial vision of the NAPCL.

Leadership Team

Our Leadership Team is dedicated & committed to transform lives for Christ.

Mosongo Osong,

Chairman & Founder

Dr Marlon De La Torre,

President & Executive Director

Mary Wilson

Office Administrator & Secretary
